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The author of Looking for Hickories: The Forgotten Wildness of the Rural Midwest will take you on a sensory journey. You are invited to "taste sweet samples of serviceberry jam, smell aromatic sassafrass root, and see and touch the rough texture of the virgin bur oak tree and other natural artifacts found in Michigan." Tom Springer shares from his award-winning book Tuesday evening, Nov. 3, at the Grand Rapids Meijer Gardens, 7 p.m. The event is free for Meijer Gardens Members and GRAHC members, others pay regular admission.
Springer currently is a senior editor at the W.K. Kellogg Foundation of Battle Creek. Looking for Hickories is a Library of Michigan 2009 Michigan Notable Book. It is described as "a masterfully written collection that establishes a new voice for the spirit of the upper Midwest and Michigan and offers a fresh look at the landscape as well as the everyday lives of the people who make up the region's small communities."
Springer is a well-known nature and outdoor travel writer. His articles have appeared in such publications as Backpacker, Michigan Out-of-Doors, and Notre Dame, and several of his commentaries have appeared on National Public Radio programs.
See University of Michigan Press
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